Club Rules
The Irish Wolfhound Club was established to encourage breeding and to maintain a high standard of Irish Wolfhounds, by guaranteeing classes, providing special prizes, etc., for the breed at dog shows and for the purpose of making known throughout the world, the fine qualities of this dog.
The present day Irish Wolfhound Club exists to promote the interests of the breed when and wherever possible, by encouraging its responsible development through the hands of its members. A special emphasis is placed upon 'fit for function, fit for life' principles.
1 Management of the Club
The affairs of the club shall be managed by a committee which shall consist of a chairman, honorary secretary and treasurer and with ten other members of the club. Members of the committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election as detailed in rules 2(b), 10(b), 11(a) and 12(a). Four members of the committee other than officers shall form a quorum. A vice-president may also hold office as chairman, secretary, treasurer, or be elected as a committee member, but only entitled to one vote in committee. At its first full committee meeting following the annual general meeting, the committee shall elect one of its members to be known as the vice-chairman. This position will not be deemed ex officio, or that of an officer of the club. The sole duty of the vice-chairman will be to take the chair in the absence of the chairman. Any member of the management of the club can be elected vice-chairman.
(a) In addition to the general management of the affairs of the club the committee shall have full power to deal with all matters arising which are not provided for in these rules. In particular the committee shall have control of the finances of the club and be empowered out of the funds of the club to grant prizes and trophies, or guarantee classes at any dog show held in accordance with these rules, and to advertise and otherwise apply the funds of the club to such objects as, in their opinion, shall benefit the club and the breed.(b) The committee shall have power to use any sum not exceeding £500 per annum for a trophy fund. This fund to cover repairs and maintenance of club trophies, when considered necessary by the committee.(c) Meetings of the committee shall be called by the honorary secretary so often as may be deemed necessary and shall be called by him/her when requested by the president, or any two members of the committee so to do. Seven days' notice shall be given of every meeting so called.(d) Any officer or elected member of the committee who has failed to attend 3 consecutive committee meetings, without showing just cause, shall automatically be deemed to have resigned.
(e) Any matter of dispute in the club shall be
(1) resolved in the first instance by the committee, or failing agreement being reached, then
(2) by the members, at an extraordinary general meeting.
Should agreement still not be obtained, the matter to be referred to the Kennel Club.(f) The Club must send the number of members and types of membership to the Kennel Club
with its annual returns and, as requested, make an up- to date list of members’ names available for
inspection by members of the Club or by the Kennel Club.
(g) The club shall not join any federation of societies or clubs except as approved by the Kennel Club.(h) The criteria for inclusion on the various judging lists of the Irish Wolfhound Club are to be
displayed annually on the Club’s website. Notification to be given by the same means of the date by
which interested parties should submit their curriculum vitae in order to be considered for addition/upgrade on said lists.
(i) The officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year, maintenance of title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the secretary for the continuance of registration. Also, by the 31st July each year, other returns as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities will be forwarded to the Kennel Club. The officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any change of secretary which may occur during the course of the year.
2. Election of Committee
The election of members of the committee shall take place in the following manner:
(a) Any two members of the club shall be at liberty to nominate members, in writing, (facsimile or email not accepted), to serve on the committee (having previously obtained consent of each member or members). The name of each member nominated shall be sent to the honorary secretary at least one month before the annual general meeting. The member or members so nominated must put their agreement to stand in writing, to be received by the secretary at least one month before the annual general meeting.(b) Members retiring from the committee under rule 1 shall be deemed to be nominated for re-election, unless they intimate to the honorary secretary one month before the annual general meeting that they do not desire re-election.(c) Fourteen days before the annual general meeting, the secretary shall send to each member of the club an alphabetical list of the candidates for the committee. Members shall mark the names of those whom they wish to see elected to the committee and return the form to the auditor at least forty-eight hours before the annual general meeting; the auditor to collate the results and provide the treasurer with a sealed envelope containing the results: an appointed teller to read the results at the AGM. No member may vote for more candidates than there are vacancies on the committee, nor may he/she give more than one vote to any candidate. The voting papers having been counted and scrutinised, those candidates shall be declared elected to the committee, at the general meeting, who have received most votes. If any candidate after being elected declines to serve, the candidate who has the next largest number of votes shall be elected. If any candidates obtain an equal number of votes, the committee shall select by lot from such candidates those who are to be members of the committee.(d) Any vacancy occurring in the committee in any year may be filled by the committee, subject to confirmation by the next annual general meeting.(e) In the event of a tied vote, the member who has had longest continuous membership shall be elected.
3. Membership of the club
There shall be three types of membership: membership, associate membership and overseas membership. There shall be no limit to the number of members.
(1) Membership
A member is entitled to all voting rights and privileges offered by the club and may hold office.
(a) Any reputable person resident in the United Kingdom, favourable to the objects of the club shall be eligible for membership, providing he or she has been an associate member for two years and is over the age of sixteen years.(b) A candidate must be proposed by two members of at least one year's standing. The proposers shall send the name and address of their candidate, together with the reasons for desiring membership, in writing to the honorary secretary, who shall bring the same before the committee at their next meeting.(c) The election of members shall be in the hands of the committee.(d) The honorary secretary shall enter in a book kept for the purpose, the names and addresses of all members, which shall be open at all reasonable times for inspection of members of the club, or by the Kennel Club.(e) The annual subscription shall be such amount as is agreed by members in general meeting and notified to the Kennel Club.(f) When a candidate has been duly elected, the secretary shall notify the same to him/her in writing, or via email and shall request him/her to pay the membership subscription to the honorary treasurer within one calendar month of the date of such notice and if membership subscription shall not be paid within three calendar months from the date of such notice, his/her election shall become absolutely void, unless he or she shall show sufficient cause for such delay, to the satisfaction of the committee. No member shall be admitted to any of the benefits or privileges of membership of the club until membership subscription has been paid.(g) All annual subscriptions are payable in advance on the 1st January in each year. No member in arrears is eligible for any club prize, or may vote at any meeting. Any member leaving his/her subscription unpaid for six months shall cease to be a member and his/her name shall be erased from the books of the club. He or she may rejoin the club, with the consent of the committee, on payment of all arrears, at a level decided by the committee. A member struck off the list of members for non-payment of subscription shall not be eligible for re-election until all arrears have been paid.(h) Each member shall communicate his or her address, or that of a banker or agent, from time to time to the secretary. All notices sent to such addresses shall be considered as duly delivered.(i) Any full member taking up residence outside the United Kingdom but within the EC shall retain full membership rights.(2) Associate MembershipAn associate member shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of members including invitation to all club events, eligibility to compete for all club awards, but shall not be eligible to vote or hold office in the club.(a) Any reputable person resident in the United Kingdom, or the Republic of Ireland, favourable to the objects of the club, shall be eligible for associate membership.(b) A candidate shall send in his/her her name and address in writing to the honorary secretary, who shall bring the same before the committee for approval.(c) The annual subscription shall be such amount as shall be agreed by members in general meeting and notified to the Kennel Club.(d) When a candidate has been duly elected the secretary shall notify the same to him/her in writing, or via email and shall request payment of associate membership subscription to the honorary treasurer unless it be already paid. If associate membership Subscription is not paid within three calendar months from the date of such notice, his/her election shall be absolutely void, unless he/she shall show sufficient cause for such delay to the satisfaction of the committee. No associate member shall be admitted to any of the benefits or privileges of the club until subscription has been paid.(e) No associate member in arrears with subscription is eligible for any club prize. Any associate member leaving the subscription unpaid for six months shall cease to be an associate member and shall have his or her name erased from the books of the club, but may be reinstated with the consent of the committee on payment of all arrears.(3) Overseas Membership(a) Members living outside the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland may attend club events, but may not vote or hold office in the club. They may compete for club awards, but no trophies may leave mainland Britain.(b) The annual subscription shall be such amount as shall be agreed by members in general meeting and notified to the Kennel Club.
Note: In each of the following rules marked with * the term member refers to both members and associate members.
4. Honorary Membership
The committee shall, under special circumstances, have power to elect honorary members for such periods as the committee may think proper, not exceeding one year. If it be desired to extend such honorary membership for a period exceeding one year, such extension shall be submitted for confirmation at the next ensuing general meeting.
5. * Resignation
Any member of the club may resign his/her membership on giving or sending notice of his/her intention so to do to the honorary secretary; but any member thus leaving the club shall not be entitled to receive back any part of his/her subscription or monies that he may have paid to, or on account of, the club during his membership, or having any claim against the club.
6.* Expulsion
Any member who shall be disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(5) and/or Kennel Club Rule
A11.j.(9) shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Society.
The committee of the club shall decide at a specially convened meeting whether or not the conduct of any member is injurious or may be likely to be injurious, to the character or interest of the club. The committee of the club may seek to expel said member.
Should the committee seek expulsion, then a special general meeting shall be called for the purposes of considering the conduct of the member and deciding upon the resolution to expel him/her.
Notice of the special general meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the meeting a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of members and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a member of the club except that he/she may within two calendar months from the date of such meeting, appeal to the Kennel Club upon and subject to such conditions as the Kennel Club may impose.
7. Expenditure
All expenses properly incurred by the honorary secretary, treasurer and committee for or on behalf of the club, shall be defrayed out of the funds of the club and no individual member shall be deemed to incur any responsibility in respect of same.
8. General Meetings
(a) An annual general meeting of members of the club shall be held each year. The business to be conducted to be: to receive the report of the committee and balance sheet, to elect officers and to discuss any resolution duly placed on the agenda, of which prior notice has been given to the honorary secretary. No business shall be transacted at an annual general meeting unless notice thereof appears on the agenda, with the exception of routine matters agreed by the chairman i.e. any other business at the discretion of the chairman. Notice of the annual general meeting to be given in writing to full members of the club two calendar months before the date of the meeting, inviting them to submit items to the secretary for inclusion on the agenda no later than one calendar month before the date of the meeting. The agenda for the meeting to be circulated to all full and associate members, fourteen days before the date of the meeting. The certified accounts will be made available on request to members fourteen days prior to the AGM.(b) The committee may call an extraordinary general meeting when any matter of urgent importance shall occur and shall be bound to do so on receiving a requisition signed by ten members of the club. No business other than that detailed on the agenda can be discussed at an extraordinary general meeting.(c) Notice of every general meeting, with the agenda of the business to be transacted at such meeting, shall be sent to each member at least fourteen days before the date of meeting. In order to constitute a quorum, there shall be at least 20 members present at the meeting.(d) At every general meeting the chairman shall preside.(e) In case of equality of votes, the chairman shall have a casting vote. Unless a poll be demanded by at least two members, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried or lost shall be conclusive. If a poll be demanded as above, it shall be taken in such manner as the chairman may direct.(f) All voting involving any individual at all general meetings (AGM, SGM or EGM) should be by
secret ballot.
9. Alteration of Rules
(a) No rule or decision of the club shall be repealed or altered and no new rule shall be made, save by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. One calendar month's notice of the intention to propose any new rule or alteration shall be given to the secretary, who shall send notice of the same to every member to his/her address in the club register at least fourteen days before the general meeting.(b) Any member unable to attend the meeting may record by letter his/her votes on any such proposal and a vote so given shall be counted at the meeting.
10. President, Vice-Presidents and Chairman of the club
(a) The committee or any two members of the club are at liberty to nominate members for the position of president and vice-president of the club, who shall be members or honorary members, and who have given long standing exceptional service to the club. Election shall take place as for officers and committee as detailed in rule 2 and if elected will serve for a term of three years, and may be re-elected.(b) Nominations for and the election of the chairman, shall take place in the same manner as for members of the committee as detailed in rule 2. A newly elected chairman shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the annual general meeting.(c) President and vice-presidents do not have a vote in committee.
11. Honorary Secretary
(a) Nominations for and the election of the honorary secretary shall take place in the same manner as for members of the committee as detailed in rule 2. A newly elected secretary shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the annual general meeting.(b) The secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of all committee and general meetings, which shall be produced, confirmed and signed at the subsequent meeting of the committee, or of the club as the case may be.(c) An honorarium to be paid annually to the secretary, sum to be agreed in committee.
12. Honorary Treasurer
(a) Nominations for and the election of the honorary treasurer, shall take place in the same manner as for members of the committee as detailed in rule 2. A newly elected treasurer shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the annual general meeting.(b) A banking account shall be opened in the name of the club into which all revenue of the club shall be paid and from which withdrawals shall only be made on the signature of two or more officers, one of which shall be the treasurer.(c) The treasurer shall make up the annual statement of the accounts of the club to the 31st December and submit the same for audit, to one qualified accountant, or two unqualified individuals with accounting experience, independent of the committee.
13. * Annual Report
An annual report shall be prepared by the committee and this, together with the annual statement of accounts and any other matter of interest to the members, shall be printed and supplied to all members of the club and the Kennel Club, prior to the annual general meeting.
14. Judges
(a) A list of judges selected by the committee shall be sent to the secretary or manager of every dog show that the club supports. Support shall continue provided the judge is selected from these lists.(b) Any member of the club may submit the name or names of persons who, in their opinion, are qualified to judge the breed(c) It shall not be necessary for a judge to be a member of the club and the committee shall have power to confer honorary membership on non-club judges during the time they hold such appointment.(d) In the event of a postal vote for the position of judges for club shows being tied, all the judges who tied for top place to be offered the appointment in consecutive years. In order to decide who judges the first show (original show balloted for and listed on the agenda for the AGM) shall be decided by a toss of the coin, or drawing of lots for a three-way tie.
15. Mode of Judging and Awarding Prizes
(a) The club judges shall award prizes to dogs impartially according to merit, or order in which dogs approach perfection in type, formation and proportions, fixed by the club and published in the standard of excellence.(b) The attention of judges is drawn to the following statement "In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well-being of the dog."(c) No prize may be awarded by the club to any show not held under Kennel Club rules.
16. * Challenge Cups, Prizes, etc.
(a) All challenge cups, special prizes, trophies, etc. shall be competed for by members of the club only and every member competing for such cups, trophies or special prizes must have previously paid his/her subscription for the current year. Members winning any of the club trophies are not allowed to take them out of mainland Britain.(b) It shall be left to the discretion of the committee at what show any other challenge cups or plate shall be offered, but all club plate must be offered for competition once a year.(c) Any member presenting cups, plate or special prizes to the club may decide the conditions under which it shall be offered.(d) In the event of the club being dissolved, all challenge cups either to remain the property of the holder for the time being, or returned to their respective donors, as the committee shall decide. All the club trophies to be melted down or sold as the committee shall decide and included in the assets of the club which, after all liabilities have been met, shall be applied to the benefit of the members of the club.
17. Honorary Archivist
(a) Nominations for and the election of the honorary archivist shall take place in the same manner as for members of the committee as detailed in rule 2. A newly elected archivist shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the annual general meeting.(b) All club property in the keeping of the archivist is to be open to inspection by club members only, at times mutually agreed with the archivist. Genuine researchers, who are not club members, will only be allowed access subject to prior approval in writing from the committee.(c) No item donated to the club for the archives is to be sold, unless such a sale is approved by the annual general meeting.(d) At the archivist's discretion, selected scanned images and text which are not known to be subject to copyright may be uploaded to the club website provided they are safeguarded by (1) access to the archive page being restricted to club members only and (2) right-click menu options being disabled. Items may not be made available via email.(e) Any old yearbooks copied other than to complete the club's records can only be done with the approval in writing of the committee.(f) The archivist to give a report annually at the annual general meeting.
18* Duties of Members
It shall be the duty of every member of the club to forward the interest of the breed and club and strive to promote honourable dealings in canine matters and it shall be the duty of every member to report to the club any irregularities affecting the club or its members.
19* Bankruptcy
No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club Registered Society.
20* Social Media
All members of the Irish Wolfhound Club are strongly recommended to read the Kennel Club advice on Social Media use on their website (www.the and comply with their recommendations at all times.
21* Discreditable conduct
Should a member be expelled for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, dog shows, trials or competitions, the Club must report the matter in writing to the Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required.
22* Winding up of the Club
If the Club is wound up or ceases to be a registered society under Kennel Club regulations, a final statement of audited accounts, with a record of the disposal of the property of the Club shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months and the persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club on the last return furnished to the Kennel Club, will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the Club.
23* Interpretation of rules
The Kennel Club is the final authority for interpreting the Rules and Regulations of the Club in all cases relative to canine or Club matters.